Tuesday 2 July 2013

EFSA-Public consultation: dietary reference values for vitamin C

EFSA has launched an open consultation on its draft scientific opinion on dietary reference values for vitamin C. The document proposes dietary reference values for vitamin C for adults, infants and children, and pregnant and lactating women. The highlights considered are:

The Panel concludes that an Average Requirement (AR) and a Population Reference Intake (PRI) for vitamin C can be derived for adults and children based on vitamin C status, and for pregnant and lactating women based on estimation of additional needs and factorial calculation of losses in breast milk, respectively.

For infants aged 7-11 months, the Panel retains the PRI set by the SCF (1993), i.e. 20 mg/day, as no suitable evidence has emerged since the previous assessment.

The Panel also considered several health outcomes that may be associated with vitamin C intake; however, the available data were considered insufficient for the setting of DRVs.

                 PRI (mg/day)
Age Males Females
7-11 months 20 20
1-3 years 20 20
4-6 years 30 30
7-10 years 45 45
11-14 years 70 70
15-17 years 100 90
≥ 18 years 110 95
Pregnancy - +10
Lactation - +75

* Average Requirement (AR): nutrient intake value that is estimated to reach the requirements in 50 per cent of people in a specific group, usually defined by age and sex.

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