Friday 21 June 2013

Ben Goldacre: What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe

Ben Goldacre, physician, academic and author of Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients, explains in TED Talk his views about research studies published in medical journals among other interesting points. Here it goes!


"In the academic literature, we'll see a biased sample of the true
picture of all of the scientific studies that have been conducted"

"People do lots and lots and lots of different studies, and the occasions when
it works they will publish, and the ones where it doesn't work they won't"

"Over 100.000 people died unnecessarily in America from
the prescription of anti-arrhytmic drugs (20-30 years ago)"

 "You can see what a staggering difference there was between reality and
what the doctors, patients, commissioners of health services, and
academics are able to see in the peer-reviewed academic literature"

"We cannot know the true effects of the medicines that we
prescribe if we do not have access to all the information"

"We need to force people to publish all trials conducted in human,
including the older trials, for all drugs in current use"

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