Wednesday 19 June 2013

Mild Dehydration Affects Mood in Healthy Young Women

Limited information is available regarding the effects of mild dehydration on cognitive function. Therefore, mild dehydration was produced by intermittent moderate exercise without hyperthermia and its effects on cognitive function of women were investigated.

A study was issued in which twenty-five females (age 23.0 ± 0.6 y) participated. 

In conclusion of this, healthy young females who were mildly dehydrated, key mood states including vigor, fatigue, perception of task difficulty, concentration, and headache were adversely affected by a small change in hydration.

Therefore this is a message for all guys who has any GF. Just doesn't get worried enough when she is not on the mood for sex role-playing due to a headache. Maybe she just needs to drink some water before that ;-). 

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