Saturday 22 June 2013

How bowel movement correctly

"Only in the industrialized West, where it was invented the modern toilet, people tend to «feel» for defecating just as it does to eat." It is not surprising that the Western world suffering from chronic constipation, hemorrhoids and other problems due to the fact of evacuating the bowels in the sitting position. "Although modern toilets can save your legs the effort required to squat correctly, for their intestines is equivalent to an instrument of torture, and the problems caused at all outweigh the convenience provided by"
Daniel Reid

Excretion: squatting is best done

Take a look at the nature and verify that all animals are acuclillan to have a bowel movement. Even our closest ancestors, primates, are squat with your knees against your chest to «needs». What perhaps overlook you, however, is that in other cultures have been using this method and shitting in this natural posture, especially in Asia, Africa and the near Middle East.

Only in the industrialized West, where they invented the modern toilet, people tend to «feel» for defecating just as it does to eat. It is not surprising that the Western world suffering from chronic constipation, hemorrhoids and other problems due to the fact of evacuating the bowels in the sitting position. While modern toilets can save your legs the effort required to squat correctly, for their intestines is equivalent to an instrument of torture, and the problems caused at all outweigh the comfort provided.

To sit on the toilet, the lower end of the descending colon is bent, which requires an important muscular effort to evacuate the bowels. The intensity of this effort can make explode or clog the tiny capillaries that feed the anal sphincter, leading to subsequent bleeding. To squat down, the colon naturally aligns with the rectum and anus that opens re completely and effortlessly. In this way, the evacuation occurs in a natural, unforced way.

Since squatting, may evacuate many more stool once which would never evacuate «in one sitting". Moreover, due to the full opening of the buttocks, the acuclillada position is also much cleaner than sitting, which will allow you to save money on toilet paper.
The following practical suggestions will allow you to benefit more fully from squatting position. If have you chronic constipation or gas, retain a steel ball or a smooth, round stone next to his bed. Upon awakening in the morning, before getting up, roll this weight over your abdomen in the colonic flow direction, i.e. from the side bottom right towards the rib cage, then on the cross and finally new down, colon on the left, towards the rectum. It's a great way to expel gas pockets, remove embedded feces and stimulate the movement of the intestinal muscles before your first visit to the toilet.

Another good way to relieve chronic constipation is to use the tips of the fingers for a soft massage the soft area between the year and the end of the spinal column (coccyx). This massage stimulates directly the Colón and induces the lazy intestines to evacuate more thoroughly. You can also exercise the anal sphincter that is explained in chapters 4 and 7 through rhythmic sphincter contraction and relaxation multiple times a day. This leads to year glands to secrete a natural lubricant, which considerably facilitates the movement of dried feces. This exercise also circulates blood stuck in the anal sphincter, which prevents the formation of hemorrhoids.

Finally, every time that, despite all the measures listed, feel the need for a laxative, start with laxative food, and only as a last resort, try a mild herb laxative along with a dose of powdered Psyllium seed solution. Never use commercial laxatives, as they quickly created a dependence on artificial stimulation of the intestines, which only manages to become a chronic problem constipation.

If you follow these simple guidelines, combined with a proper diet, never again suffer constipation nor any of the disorders due to toxaemia caused.

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