Sunday 23 June 2013

Treatment of extreme cases with acupuncture

Although acupuncture is a famous treatment for many diseases all around the world, recently due to it involves no medications, it is becoming more and more famous every day. There are minor to extreme health issues and for every problem doctor prescribes different treatments. However, this is one kind of treatment that can solve many minor to extreme health issues. Following are some extreme cases for which acupuncture has proved to be quite useful and effective.

First of all, this helps patients in coma. Although there are different kinds of coma, there always are low chances of patients coming back from coma. Patients in coma receive least care because there is not much doctors can do to wake them up. Here, acupuncture helps such patients. With acupuncture, the brain can clear its senses and itself. Acupuncture brings back the heart rate to normal and makes your heart two times stronger than it is while in coma. Also, this helps to calm down the spirit as well. These areas of the body are refreshed by the organs of the body itself and inserting the needles in the right position will create energy.

Depending on the condition of patient, these needles are twirled with gentle hands. The western medicine used for treating brain tumor, car accidents etc is even beaten by this form of treatment. Although it is not discovered why this happens but many patients revive after this treatment. This treatment has its secrets yet to reveal. However, its benefits are numerous. Just like coma, there are many severe cases like cancer, depression, bones shrinking and joint problems in growing people.

Next, this treatment helps those to fully recover from a condition that causes simple fainting. Many doctors recommend different treatments for this problem. As for acupuncture, it would simply without any medication regulate the flow of energy inside your body and will recirculate the blood in your entire body even in head. It is quite interesting that many doctors say that this problem can even cause depression, lack of confidence, higher stress level, and emotional problems. However, acupuncture can bring back a person into harmony, and peace. It releases all the stress from a person’s body. Also, people who faint because of headache will recover from both headaches and fainting.

It is also applied of patients with emergency cases. However you need an acupuncture specialist around to perform the procedure just instantly. Because not many hospitals have yet started to take risk of applying acupuncture theory instead of their other emergency procedures, not many people are aware of how this really works. But with growing research and study its popularity is rising. If a patient loses his consciousness, a strong pressure is applied with the fingernail between the nose and mouth groove. This a simple point in your body through which you can awake a person. Heart and chest related emergency cases can also be solved with this treatment; however you need the specialist around. In such cases, the needles are inserted on the point under the forearm, and between the two tendons. This also helps patients with severe hiccups, palpitations, lung problems and stomach pains.

These points in your body are god gifted; science is still unable to prove why exactly a person starts recovering merely with the help of these needles and the points in your body. Although research has shown why you recover, because of the blood and flow of energy rise in your body, but clear reasons are still hidden somewhere in the nature of body, these points and needles.

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