Friday 21 June 2013

Food Inc - Alimentos SA


"There is no seasons in the American supermarket. Now there are tomatoes all the year,
farmed around the world, picked when they are green and ripened with ethylene gas"

"In the meat area (supermarket) there is no bones anymore"

"The food industry doesn't like you know the truth about what you're eating, 
because if you knew you may not wanna eat it"

"Mc Donald's recruitment's policy: when you have workers that only have to do one thing, 
they can pay them low wage and it's very easy to find someone to replace them"

Big food companies chains want big suppliers so there are
a few companies controlling the food system

"Chicken Fast-growing: There is antibiotics that put into the feed and
of course that pass through the chicken"

"If you go to a supermarket I would bet a 90% of the products contain corn
or soy ingredient. And most of the time they contain both"

"Cows are not designed evolutively to eat corn, they are designed evolutively to eat grass.The only
reason we feed them with corn is because corn is really cheap and corn makes them fat quickly"

"There are research studies that indicate high corn diet results in E.Coli
are acid resistant. That makes more harmful the bactery"

"As much bigger is the food processing plant, that's perfect for taking bad pathogens"

"The hamburger of today has pieces of thousands of different cattle ground up in that
one hamburger patty. The odds increase exponentially that one of those animals
was carrying a dangerous pathogen" 

Does this complicate the traceability tracking? 

"Hamburgers vs Veggies: You can find candy that's cheaper. We can find
chips that are cheaper. The sodas are really cheap. We've skewed our
food system to the bad calories"

"1 in 3 born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes"
Mostly type 2

"People (corporative committee) make decisions and don't live
with the consequences of those decisions"
The same than politicians around the world

"We've become a culture of technicians. We're all into the
How of it and nobody's stepping back and saying But why?"

"Large companies (Coca-cola, Pepsi, Kellogg's, General Mills,...) don't
grow organically. They grow by acquisition of other smaller companies"

"Monsanto has a staff devoted to investigating and prosecuting farmers.
Anyone caught saving seeds can be investigated for patent infringement"

"When you genetically modify a crop, you own it"
Therefore you get your patent.

"Lady Justice had the scales and you piled cash on the scales and the one that
piled the most cash on the scales, hired the most experts and was most willing
to tell the biggest lies, that was the winner. That seems to be how our justice system
functions now

"In the case of Monsanto, their control is so dominant. If you want to be
in production agriculture, you're gonna be in bed with Monsanto"

"Now 78% of the processed food in the supermarket
has some genetically-modified ingredient"

"Not only do they (food companies) do not want you to know what's in it,
they have managed to make it against the law to criticize their products"

Sales of food are really sensitive to the public criticism of their products

"The irony is that the average consumer does not feel very powerful. They think
they are the recipients of whatever industry has put out there for them to consume.
Trust me, it's the exact opposite"

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